n47 Company Brochure March 2021 - Portfolio - Page 45
Application Type: Reserved Matters
The Site
The former Swinden Technology Centre;
a redevelopment of a former employment
site for 197 new homes. Keepmoat Homes
required a design which capitalised upon
the character of the scheme to work with
existing heritage buildings within the site
and a layout that would capitalise on the
green assets of the site.
The Scheme
We designed a scheme that would make
the most of the sylvan setting, with a
tree-lined avenue to retain the visual
connection between Swinden and Sitwell
House and a mews development within
the listed walled garden. The scheme
also sought to address existing protected
trees within the site and to work with the
landscape consultant to produce a scheme
incorporating replacement planting and
attractive open spaces for new residents.
The Success
Keepmoat Homes were delighted with
their high-quality design scheme that
enhances the site’s original features and
creates new homes and spaces they can
feel proud of.